Organization of Learning Resources

Lesson 5

-I am really enjoying using the Online dictionary of library and information science (ODLIS).  This course covers so many new words so it’s good to have a central place where it is easy to look up the words.  Thanks Cathy!  I am not the strongest at retaining definitions in my brain so I am sometimes referring back to ODLIS for the same words over and over again.  I laughed at myself for how many times I went back to ODLIS and Lesson 5 on Vista to double check what an access point was when we were first learning the word.

-Under Lesson 5 on Vista, I really like the way Cathy simplified the 8 areas/access points.  I found the Intner and Weihs reading this week a little confusing.  I appreciated the examples they gave for each access point but when I was referring back to it, I was a little overwhelmed at all the text and pages in this reading.  It was nice to have it simplified and broken down.